TESTIGN!! HELLO?! i am back from the grave, dont be scared...
oh hello children! it is me rugby again. But i am posting from the afterlife now! YES there is internet access from heaven, otherwise it wouldn't be heaven, now would it?!
to refersh your memory, here is a picture of me form back when i was alive. and when i say ''alive'' i mean in the boilogical sense, as a member of the crabon-based species Rattus norvegicus, which means ''Norway rat'' even though i am not scandanavian at all (however i used to live with a guy who liked ABBA). but anyway here's the photo:
i dont look like that anymore because i died & my earthly remains are just a skeleton (hopefully very scary looking!!) in teh ground in fairfax, Virginia. but here is an artist's concepcion of what i might look like as a Rat from the Ethereal plane:
of course if you tried to gaze upon my TRUE glory your mortal eyes would pop like GRAPES IN A MICROWAVE because everyone is so fabulous and amzaing looking in the hereafter. but this gives you a rough idea
Rugby the Rat was an intellectually gifted representative of the species Rattus norvegicus; now he dwelleth on a higher plane and aspires to become a member of the Hindu pantheon. But he still likes food.