FAN feebdack!!!
SOCCER UPDATE!! reader Grayp comments:
Now Rugby, you be nice and help Uncle Bob raise him properly. Molly the Beagle sends her love.
hey Grayp lady, you should invite Soccer over to meat meet Molly teh Beagle?!? they would be good frinds i'll bet...
UPDATE: Don't let Rugby's tough-guy act fool you, readers. I left the door to Soccer's cage open yesterday evening to see what would happen, and though Rugby initially chased Soccer out, he eventually relented and let Soccer back in the cage -- where they both slept peacefully, albeit in opposite corners.
i only flet sorry for him because it was cold in the livign room!!! SOMEBODY forgot to close the baclony door all the way??!
Oh, right, and I guess you were washing Soccer's face this morning because you felt sorry for him, too?
&hearts &hearts gurby &hearts &hearts
shut UP!!